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Sex Chat Room Rules

  • You must be of legal age in your area and a adult to use the sex chat room.
  • Do not give out any personal information in this public sex chat room.
  • Do not harass or intimate other users or use hateful or derogatory statements.
  • Do not do or share anything illegal in this sex chat room.
  • Do not flood or spam the sex chat room with any messages.
  • Do not post advertisements of any kind in the sex chat room.
  • By chatting here you agree to and have read our website rules.
  • By chatting here you agree to and have read our terms of service page.
  • By chatting here you agree to and have read our privacy policy.
  • By chatting here you agree to and have read our cookies policy.
  • Mods for the sex chat room are, Jon, Ryan and Christopher
  • Any problems, use the form on the contact page to get in-touch with the administrator.